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  • Writer's pictureBrett Greenberg

Capstone Men and Women begin seeking out new members

Updated: Feb 3, 2020

2017-2018 Capstone Men and Women get their picture taken in front of Denny Chimes (Photo by UA)

By Brett Greenberg

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – One of the University of Alabama’s most prestigious groups, the Capstone Men and Women, have begun the application and interview processes for next year’s new members.

The Capstone Men and Women at the University of Alabama serve as leaders and ambassadors on campus and make guests feel welcome when visiting. Around this time each year, applications go out for prospective Capstone members and thousands of freshmen fill out the application hoping for an interview. As a freshman, getting involved around campus is preached over and over again and what better way than to attempt to be given the opportunity to be a leader around campus.

The application and interview processes consist of filling out an application and going through two rounds of interviews. “The application process itself wasn’t terribly difficult. It was just like any regular job application, but I found making a good resume difficult because I am a rather uninvolved freshman at UA,” Jeremy Bettman, a freshman applicant, said. After the application process, the interview stage begins with two rounds. The first round of interviews is, “around five to ten minutes with a series of personal questions being asked,” Sam Rickert, a freshman applicant, said. Because being a Capstone man or woman is such a prestigious honor and responsibility, “the interview process is unlike any other job interview with questions meant to throw you off and challenge you,” Bettman said. Rickert made it to the first round before falling short while Bettman made it to the second round of interviews. “I plan on applying and interviewing for the Capstone next year and hope to be given the opportunity to represent this university,” Rickert said.

After serving as a Capstone man his junior year, Zachary Katz will continue to hold this position for his senior year. “I wanted to be a Capstone Man because the red dresses and gray suits have always stood out to me on campus and I knew these men and women play a huge role on campus and I wanted to be a part of it,” Katz said. A Capstone man or woman is more than a one-year commitment and Katz will continue to be a leader on this campus next year.

As the application process comes to an end, applicants either become successful in their endeavors or do not get the opportunity they so desired.


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